
Membership Benefits

Alumni Members can enjoy special benefits:

  • Library Services
  • Room Rentals
  • Access to campus facilities
  • Access to free Wifi
  • Alumni Email Accounts

Campus Facilities and Services

1. Library Access

Alumni Members can enjoy GCC library resources and have access to all circulation collections and library facilitates.  Members will also have access to College’s digital library with College’s online database, research materials, as well as honour projects of past graduates. 


2. Room Booking

Alumni Members can enjoy room booking services and gain access to Library Glass Rooms, Classrooms, and Counselling/Therapy Room (405) for non-profit activities with approved booking.


<< Click Here to Book a Room >>


3. Campus Facilities

Alumni Members can have access to Rm 202 and ITSO, and enjoy the use of facilities, such as coffee machines, musical instruments, and college computers, as well as receive IT support from GCC staff.


4. Campus Wifi

Alumni Members can enjoy free access to Campus WiFi.


5. Alumni Email Accounts

Alumni Members can continue to use their student email account (e.g. s1501001@gratia.edu.hk) after graduation for communication with the college.  These individual accounts include email forwarding function and unlimited Google Drive space, however, they can no longer login to Moodle.